Wednesday, May 26, 2010


hey people! I have no idea whether anybody actually reads my lame blog but whatevs la, asalkan ada tempat utk curhat (curahan hati) hahahaha! anyway, more of Syaza's misadventures in JOGJA aye?

yesterday, i had a freakish accident. spoiler siots, dah la my last few days in Jogja ARGHHH! I fell of the bus while alighting. best kan! *satu tepukan gemuruh buat Syaza* the bus system here mmg mcm anak suar, the buses don't stop fully so you kinda have to 'jump' off if you wanna alight. and people here have a certain technique of getting off a bus, you have to step off with your left foot. so being awesomely amazing lah kan i conveniently forgot the technique though my friends have reminded me time and again (I tgn shiok melayan lagu "My Life Would Suck Without You" while thinking of my last few days here" and dengan confidentnya, i stepped off with my right foot. step macam faham physical laws here, moving bus + stepping off with right foot resulted in me popping my right ankle and jatuh terjelepok pas-pas kat depan a hotel. Great move Syaza! Skrg ni bus sialan baru nak stop tau, tgk aku terus jalan lg! The sial bus driver and conductor didn't even bother to help me or ask me if I was okay. Sakitnya serious buay tahan lor! Mujurlah aku tak terguling2 or what or else I would have rolled myself to the nearest shop, bought a razer and slit my wrists. Malu shiak! The satpams at the hotel came running to my aid and the only thing I could say when they helped me up and asked me if I was okay was "Saya kaget...saya kaget.." Kan fantastic tu, dah la dasar budak bandar tak reti teknik2 nak turun bus, aku lagi menunjukkan bakatku menganalisa situasi. Tapi aku rasa si pak-pak satpam tu lagi kaget tgk aku mcm rape victim kena dump by the roadside HAHAHAHAHA! okay tak kelakar.

so ye alh, terjadilah satu drama pagi2 ye... my teachers suma dah panic gila, ingat aku kena langgar mobil ke pe,and when they came to pick me up from the satpam post (yes, aku sempat tangkap glamour kat sana, duduk kat tempat pak satpam, join obrolan2) the only thing I could do was...laugh. I don't know I just found the situation so funny and typical of Syaza's bimboness. Diorang yang panic giler tgk aku nyer ankle dah ter-pop out aku cuma boleh ketawa. Mintak kena sepak like please. So yeah, loads of drama with them having to bring me to the clinic and later to a tukang urut where my foot was sprayed with horse pee (serious tak bedek. UTTER GROSSNESS!!!!) yang pedih nak mampus it felt like my tits was being chewed off in a totally non-pleasurizing kinda way.

untuk orang2 yang normal yang kalau kakinya copot dan jalan tempang2, will definitely do the smart thing and get proper rest. tapi aku being awesomely aku, I will be going to Borobudur to celebrate Weisak later. AHHHHH SO EXCITED!!! I'll be camping out at a friend's friend place tonight so we can see the ceremony from morning, and end it off with the lighted float ceremony on friday night. OMG OMG SERIOUS CANNOT WAIT! yes I will attempt to climb all the way up to the peak of Borobudur with my kaki yang copot. This is called dedication people, dedicated to be foolhardy in the name of fun woooo!

I've been spending most of my free time with Mas2 kat sebelah rumah. Dari diorang bawak aku tgk an unrehearsed jazz concert (aku ada amik videonya kekek siots), jalan2 kat monuments2 ard Ygy tgh malam, hang out kat luar bilik diorang nyanyi2 and berbual konek, keliling kota nak makan gudeg nyer pasal at 3 am. Yes, I'm having a blast here and because of them and my teachers in school, I KNOW my floodgates will open on Tuesday when I will fly back home (Understand why Kelly Clarkson's MLWSWY is on replay?). Haishes. On  the other hand I miss you all, my English-laden life back home and MOST IMPORTANTLY buses which stop at PROPER bus stops FULLY.

Pardon me but in Singapore tak de teknik2 nak turun bus. Cuma tap ezlink je nyeahahah!

Okay I shall write another time then. While typing this, I managed to spill a cup of water all over the office printer. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY AMAZING SYAZA.

1 comment:

  1. alahai, bimbo sungguh.
    haha, you got me laughing out loud at you. hope your leg recovers soon.
