Monday, May 17, 2010


Hello priviledged few who actually know about the existence of this blog! Haha! At the time of writing this, its 8.30 pm in Jogja but I’ll only be uploading this in the morning when I reach campus cause I can’t seem to tap into the wireless here…BOO! I will have to ask my homestay family tomorrow to help me with it (you guys know how hopeless I am when it comes to this kinda things) but for now I have to make do with typing it out in Words and saving it in my thumbdrive. Sigh..

Okay so for the uninitiated, I am currently in Jogja to study Bahasa Indonesia (BI) as part of the BI Immersion Program for 3 weeks. And I am here all ALONE. Actually, the program is supposed to bring a group of students who are currently taking or have taken BI before to Indonesia so they can immerse themselves in the culture and improve their language skills with the native speakers but due to immense kentalness on the part of BI students, NO ONE EXCEPT ME EXPRESSED INTEREST. So technically, NUS couldn’t go on with the plan tapi memandangkan aku gatal dan semangat membara to get away this holiday, my Ibu (language teacher, in this case)told me that aku boleh guna cara gelap and go on with it myself. So a week before the exams (Yes, gatal to the max Syaza, exam tak nak concentrate, gi buat plan holiday dulu. Inilah dinamakan prioritization ye) aku dan Ibu bersekongkol bak ikan tongkol membuat plan and booked my flight here. And yes, three weeks later here I am, all alone step nak belajar BI yang sememangnya aku dah pro uh. Muahahaha! *ketawa purba*

So last Friday, I flew to Jogja. Aku dengan confifucknye meng-announce la kat FB yang aku nak sendoff party yang kalahkan rombongan haji but as usual, like all of Syaza’s confifuck plans, they never come true. Ye lah, siapalah aku, insan yang kerdil bak melukut di tepi gantang bukan Miss Popularity huhuhu. WHATEVERRR la eh. On the day itself my sendoff party at the airport mak dan bapak aku je. *meh semua, aksi ketawakan Syaza!* HAHAHAHA! Actually Fizah and Izwan wanted to meet me at the airport but both woke up late (HAHA dasar starkarat kita tiga) so Fizah couldn’t make it but Izwan did rush to the airport to send me off. Ini yang part best uh, I have to share this with the world (Haha sorry Izwan, tapi kita dah mendiskusi dan ketawa tak terhingga pasal benda ni so kirakan okay la eh? Haha!) But before that, meh aku bilang macam mana salam terakhir aku ngan mak bapak aku. Aku dah psyche myself up for aksi menangis, peluk sampai guling2 macam Indian bride kena give away by her parents uh but AS USUAL, it was nothing like how I imagined. So tak drama! Disappointed aku! Aku nak jugak la aksi drama hengat, biar puas hati aku. Ye la, I was expecting my mum to go all drama on me, go “ANAKKU!!!!!” and rangkul me or what (which, if you know me well enough, you would be aware that is standard mak-Syaza-in-distressing-moments line) but mak aku setakat peluk aku,cium aku bila aku salam dia and pesan me to jaga diri, jangan lupa solat etc. Bapak aku pun cam gitu. Tak best seyh. I will never admit it to my mum but I actually enjoy uh her drama moments, I look back and get very amused nyeahahaha!

So when they chao already (tak look back even once seyh. Mintak kena hantar senior citizen’s home betul. Haha!) aku pun dengan ghairahnya meng-check in luggage ku. Best ke pe, suitcase aku berat 19 kg. nyeahahaha! Tak sia2 aku opt for extra baggage, 20 kg bila pergi 30 kg bila balik. Ish entah berapa banyak Huang Na aku boleh sumbat dalam suitcase aku. Okay, jahat dia pun sudah almarhumah. Anyways, I was waiting for Izwan to reach the airport la. A MESSAGE TO IZWAN: Kau nyer lambat legendary sak beb, kalahkan mak bonda. HAHA! But in any case, aku berterima kasih dan syukur sesyukur-syukurnya ada kau yang sanggup nak hantar aku. Yang penting niat ada eh? Haha!) Thank you to Nashe, Ama, Ili, Shafi, Fizah and Hatib who teman-ed me in the meantime through their texts and calls. Your well-wishes are very much appreciated sayangs! Tak de la aku rasa macam anak kurang kasih sayang haha! Aku pun bak mat di bawah block melepak-lepak di sekitar lapangan terbang itu menunggu si mak bonda tu. Aku duduk dekat dengan the board uh so I can see my flight timing, bila the gate opened Izwan was a couple of bus stops away only so aku pun continue rilek-rilek uh. Alangkah sialnyer, tup tup aku tgk board keparat tu dah last call. Cb panic sak! Terus aku lincah kadut, gi lari masuk. Just when I lepas, Izwan called saying he dah sampai. ARGHHHHH selisih!!! Aku dah by then lari setengah mampus pergi gate aku, sial nyer gate jauh giler. Sampai dengan tak glamour ye, panting, lutut dah mcm nak give way. Ada jugak la adegan macam “Ada Apa Dengan Cinta”, where Cinta ran like a bitch to say goodbye to Rangga at the airport yg ada steamy kiss scene tu( sebenarnya tidak steamy sangat la). Tapi memandangkan ini Singapore where immigration rules are strict and the roles were reversed, perkara sebegitu tak la terjadi. Cuma sempat berbual kat telephone je. Tapi mujurlah ya, diberi kesempatan buat aku dan Izwan to whisper madah pujangga cinta (that’s ‘sweet nothings’ for the non-Malay inclined) dan bermesra sebelum aku pergi. (Actually tak uh, we were both laughing tak maintain at our utter kesialan) ((Actually aku lagi sial la nak kena tulis benda dalam brackets, step monologue dalaman, but you all dah tau aku ni ada sedikit bipolar dan suka berbual sendiri di samping menghidupkan berbagai-bagai watak berbeda))

So when I arrived, I was met at the airport by two student teachers, Mbak Ayu and Mas Endru to bring me to my homestay. I am really enjoying my stay here. It would be amazing if I could upload some pictures to show you guys how it is at my homestay but yeah internet is a bit iffy here cus my homestay tak de internet. Oh there is a wireless connection here, I guess it belongs to one of the guys staying at the men’s hostel beside my house (Yes a men’s hostel. There are 12 of them! Envious girls? Haha!) and the network is called “pakarfuckfest”. HAHAHAHAHA! Macam paham ni wak kang. Entah2 ni cewe Singapur boleh give them a tip or two HAHAHA! *ketawa yang tak ikhlas* oh and I haven’t got the time to take the pictures yet cus my free time is usually at night and at night aku takut siket nak amik gambar, tah nanti apa je yang menjelma dalam camera aku. Oh and yeah I stay on the second floor and I have it all to myself. AWESOMENESSS! And I have my own bathroom too. My room overlooks the roofs of the houses around my area, not a pretty sight but I am enjoying the fact that I can bergayut sorang2 kat sini. Ish Syaza, bergayut eh. Choice of words sungguh tak jaga2.

On Saturday, I had my placement test dan aku yang sudah sememangnya pro, was put in level Advanced 2. *chuffed*. Oh yeah an update, after today, my first proper day at school my tutors (Its one on one for me btw. I’m alone quite a lot here huh? Kawan –kawan aku semua tutors kat sini. HAHAHA!) are considering on revising my syllabus, they think I am wrong for this course (which is to learn the language) and moving me to private lessons of Indonesian literature under the Dean. YES BEBEH! Tak sia2 aku nonton sinetron and dengar dangdut haha! I managed to catch a play entitled “The Bounty”, put up by the final year English Lit students at my University (Universitas Sanata Dharma). Not bad effort but I had to strain to listen to what they were saying cus their accents are so strong. I caught the “Fuck!” and “Goddamn it!” parts tho. Yes, what’s new la kan.

On Sunday, I went to a fair at Universitas Gadjah Madah and later I went to Makam Raja2 Mataram in Kotagede. Scary or what, the makam is really dark with 987879890 tombs packed in it. The walking space between each tomb is like what 10 cm? But the tour was really very interesting! I envy Indonesians man, they have such a rich culture. Oh and I had to wear the traditional Javanese costume which means kain sarong, and another piece of cloth, worn like a tube top. Sexy sak. Mana tak raja Jawa byk isteri and gundik. I had to keep tugging at my top so as to not expose my girls to the world. ish ish.

So yeah, that’s basically it for now. I brought my Sangam and Ibu Mertuaku vcd here for company but for some strange reason I really wanna watch Adnan Sempit on youtube again. Damn internet! I have managed to get up to a couple of misadventures here but I will tell it to you guys next entry aye! Its already dark (its only 6 here btw) and I’m kinda hungry so I wanna go home and eat dinner. Email me you guys, I get a kick reading your emails. Reminds me of home :D



  1. wow.. what an interesting post! the best by far! hahahhaa.

  2. haha diam la! jogja is so amazing that i'm speechless kan, no words can describe it haha!ada connection problem...let me try and fix it eh.
