Sunday, May 16, 2010


okay I shall type out a quick post before I have t0 go for class. which starts in 5 mins so fly fingers fly!

so today my driver, (Yes I have a personal chaffeur here, amazing or WHUTTT. WHOO! Ada Pak Sopir dunkk!) came like really early. He's supposed to pick me up at 8 but he came at 7.40 instead and I didn't even have time to have breakfast *kecewa yang teramat sangat* so I had to have breakfast at one of the waroengs near campus. And guess what? Lagu jiwang was playing on the radio! I got all teary-eyed listening to Spoon's "Rindu Serindunya". Kental or what. But ye la, aku kan sorang kat sini so any reminder of home is welcome.

Okay I better go now. Mas Endru (one of my tutors) is probably waiting for me. I shall upload my panjang nak mampus post later when I get home and can go to the internet cafe or sth. Have fun you guys!

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